EDF CEO: New nuclear reactors in less than six years each Tired Earth July 30, 2024 The head of French energy utility EDF used his presentation of the latest financial results last Friday (July 26) to....
Europe’s solar power surge hits prices, exposing storage needs Tired Earth June 24, 2024 Europe has clocked a record number of hours of negative power prices this year due to a mismatch between demand....
Pro-nuclear countries back total opening up of EU funding for nuclear Tired Earth March 05, 2024 Nuclear technologies should benefit from all types of EU funding, such as the European Investment Bank (EIB) and innovation funds,....
Britain to invest in next-generation nuclear fuel programme Michael Murphy January 08, 2024 Britain said it plans to spend 300 million pounds (€348 million) on a new programme to produce advanced nuclear fuel....
As nuclear debate nears, French minister sees potential for 14 new reactors Michael Murphy January 08, 2024 France requires more than the six new nuclear plants currently planned and possibly needs to build more than 14 new....
French-led nuclear alliance calls for new ‘low-carbon’ directive Michael Murphy December 21, 2023 Eleven EU countries have called on the EU to take full account of “all fossil-free energy sources” when elaborating future....
Interview With Jay Jiang YU, Founder and Executive Chairman of Nano Nuclear Energy Inc. Jay Jiang Yu August 26, 2023 Our energy market assessment began our direction towards microreactors.
France welcomes inclusion of nuclear in EU power market reform Hannah Steiner March 16, 2023 With EDF being state-owned, the state could, in principle, reinvest the money in EDF and its nuclear power.