Only 15 per cent of global coastal regions remain intact George Scott February 07, 2022 New research has revealed that only 15 percent of coastal areas around the world remain intact, exposing the need for....
Climate consciousness and the reimagining of forest ecosystems within the rule of law Liang Lan February 02, 2022 Forest destruction has contributed historically to climate change and continues to do so.
Earth has more tree species than we thought George Scott February 01, 2022 There are 14% more tree species than previously thought, according to what researchers are calling the first "scientifically credible" estimate.
Coffee may become more scarce and expensive thanks to climate change — new research Liang Lan January 31, 2022 The world could lose half of its best coffee-growing land under a moderate climate change scenario. Brazil, which is the....
Deforestation for gold mining has increased by 90% in the Amazon region George Scott January 30, 2022 Gold mining is already the second biggest cause of deforestation in the Madre de Dios region of the Peruvian Amazon,....
How Climate Change Will Affect Plants Hannah Steiner January 29, 2022 We human beings need plants for our survival. Everything we eat consists of plants or animals that depend on plants....
SENEGAL: Increased security for Niokolo-Koba and Djoudj national parks Hannah Steiner January 26, 2022 Niokolo-Koba and Djoudj National Parks, located respectively in the southeast and northwest of Senegal, are at the heart of a....
Can we save our sequoias and fire lilies from climate change? George Scott January 25, 2022 Giant sequoias are among the longest lived of all plant species.