Elon Musk, meet Port Augusta: four renewable energy projects ready to go March 20, 2017 When it comes to South Australia’s radical plans for energy storage to support its power network, all roads lead to....
Rapid decline of Arctic sea ice a combination of climate change and natural variability March 14, 2017 Arctic sea ice in recent decades has declined even faster than predicted by most models of climate change.
Has Flying Become More Eco-Friendly Than Driving? March 14, 2017 ealthy environmentalists such as Al Gore and Laurie David get a lot of stick for flying around the world in....
A Renewable Energy Journey in the Pacific March 14, 2017 The pursuit of high penetration of renewable energy in the Pacific involves good planning and skilled navigation to stay safe....
Warning: living in a city could seriously damage your health March 14, 2017 I recently spent some time walking around Washington DC, where I live, with an aethalometer sticking out of my shirt....
Earth's oceans are warming 13% faster than thought, and accelerating March 11, 2017 Our new study improves estimates of the rate of ocean warming - a critical component of climate change
Can new mobile app help solve Egypt's environmental problems? March 11, 2017 CAIRO — Dr. WEEE is a company that recycles electronic waste using a mobile app for e-waste collection. On March....
Argentina Plans Energy Auctions to Drive $7 Billion Investment March 11, 2017 Argentina is planning at least four energy auctions this year that are expected to attract as much as $7 billion....