This World Breastfeeding Week, UNICEF and WHO call for equal access to breastfeeding support Tired Earth August 01, 2024 When mothers receive the support they need to breastfeed their babies, everyone benefits.
Mums exposed to air pollution give birth to smaller babies, but living in a greener area may mitigate the risks Hannah Steiner September 20, 2023 Women exposed to air pollution give birth to smaller babies, according to new research. The research also shows that women....
Air pollution particles can reach fetuses' developing organs: study Hannah Steiner October 09, 2022 New research has revealed that fetuses can have black carbon particles in their developing organs as a result of air....
Steam disinfection of baby bottle nipples exposes babies and the environment to micro- and nanoplastic particles Liang Lan November 30, 2021 Some plastics go into the sewer systems. They get into the water and landfills. They have such a long lifetime....