Cool footage: Some Asian animals thrive near people Hannah Steiner October 27, 2022 Some of Asia’s largest animals are defying 12,000 years of extinction trends by thriving alongside humans, a study finds. Others....
Up to Their Necks in Water: Asian Island Countries Facing the Problem of Climate Change Rosmel Rodríguez September 28, 2022 In many regions, changing precipitation or melting snow and ice are altering hydrological systems.
Chronic air pollution cuts life expectancy by more than 2 years, study shows Liang Lan June 14, 2022 Chronic air pollution cuts average global life expectancy by more than two years per person, a study published on Tuesday....
Asia won’t solve climate change without reform of financial markets Rebecca Herbert August 17, 2021 More than US$16 trillion worldwide is currently sitting in government bonds yielding negative real returns. Meanwhile, the world needs at....
Rising Sea Levels Due to Climate Change Will Impact 15 Million People Across 7 Asian Cities By 2030 Liang Lan June 30, 2021 A new report by non-governmental environmental organization Greenpeace East Asia analyzes the estimated economic impact of extreme rising sea levels....
Himalayan glaciers melting at alarming rate, spy satellites show George Scott June 22, 2019 Hotter temperatures have melted as much as a quarter of Himalayan glacial ice in the past 40 years, reveals a....
Trees Are Mowing Down very Fast in Queensland February 25, 2018 1,000 rugby pitches’ worth of forest disappear every day
Open Defecation, Effects, Reasons and its Solutions November 28, 2017 Open defecation is the human practice of defecating outside—in the open. In lieu of toilets, people use fields, bushes, forests,....